Gravlax Delight

Breakfast Gravlax 1 English muffin, toasted 1 T cream cheese 2 slivers of Scandinavian style gravlax (salmon) 1 Campari tomato, thinly sliced 1 thin slice of red onion 2 t capers A squeeze of lemon juice Layer on English muffin in order of recipe and finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice all over….

Another DOUBLE rainbow!

I didn’t get a vivid view of either one really, but I saw this double rainbow on the way to Stillwater, OK for school and job interviews. I’m hoping maybe it’s a promising sign of good luck and fortune to come my way soon along with the superstitious double yolk that came out of the…


About this brewery…because of Oklahoma’s laws, there are disappointingly no tastings or tours allowed here or something absurd. I guess I’ve just been spoiled up in the northeast. Anyway, there hasn’t been a Tulsa based production brewery since 1942 before Marshall Brewing Company!! After going on about how eager I was to try their porter…

Runnin’ on a river

Today I tried out the Riverside running trail along the green banks of the Arkansas River in Tulsa, OK–5 miles of Tulsa beauty. Good birding, nice scene, just enough people for comfort, and not too far of a drive from my parent’s house. I liked it so much, I couldn’t quit running and also decided…

Amy squared

Enjoying a California Oatmeal Stout (found one!) catching up with my good friend Amie. Nice surprise to have Wink (popular small very chill Tulsa band) here with us on the patio along with the nice cool breeze…ahh lovely evening.

Tulsa Time

There are even pretty sunsets in Tulsa…

Brad’s wedding rehearsal dinner

The baking begins… Having fun in the kitchen with Momma Cookie bar for rehearsal dinner at Hideaway Setting Cassie up with a wedding body shot for Brad to take right from in between her legs and RIGHT in front of my parents. Brad was so nervous, he dropped and spilled it–not once but twice–soaking her…

Dolphin watching

Can you see the dolphins?? Perhaps the sea gulls?? My camera wasn’t fast enough nor did it have sufficient zoom to catch the dolphins in action unfortunately. You can see the splash though if u look closely:) Watching these 5-6 dolphins play for hours was almost as amazing as watching the orcas whales in San…

Sunset from the balcony

Interestingly enough there is a law/rule that no buildings can over tower the tallest churches here in Charleston. Somehow these condominiums where I stayed were an exception majestically gazing over the beautiful harbor.