My new obsession this week…shooting the moon!

It was a clear night and the moon was still full, so I decided to rip some more pics.  I might just turn this into a moon blog!  ha..Just kidding. 75X ZOOM I took these on my walk to work this morning…I just happened to have my camera in my bag.  Despite my shaky hands,…

Where the Red Fern Grows

Return to Natural Falls State Park Spotted Jewelweed-  This flower is also known as Touch-me-not because of its unusual method of seed dispersal.  When the seed pods become ripe, the slightest touch or swift breeze triggers a pop that sends the seeds up to four feet away. Unlike most wildflowers, Jewelweed is an annual, which means its only way…

Let the Blood Moon Begin

I wish I would’ve had my camera earlier but didn’t think it would work this well.  I began watching at about 7:15 last night and then went home to get my camera around 8:15 realizing I could then experience it at my place.  I started shooting pictures at the partial umbral eclipse phase, up until the…

Rustic Browned Butter Apple Pie

This time of year reminds me of my love for fall recipes.  Lately my time in the kitchen has been spent creating new fall treats.  Here is one I came up with for my guest all the way from Sweden for her last night in town.  We were in the kitchen over 4 hours (she pointed…

Browned Butter Banana Bread

Browned butter makes everything better!  I made this as a Labor Day treat, and it turned out deliciously.  I have been wanting to make banana bread and thought why not incorporate my browned butter technique and bake it in a bundt!  It was a lovely addition, and for hours the nutty aroma filled the room followed…