Sheep, Stones, Rainbows, Guinness, and Green

Endless green hills and pastures, Guinness galore, people with passion and personalities, sprinkles of sheep and tiny farms, stone walls and thatched roofs, historic castles, rainbows and shamrocks, are a few things that come to mind when thinking back to me short time in Ireland.The marvelous Cliffs of MoherAn Irish pub in a tiny town…

The Cotswolds

We flew in early this morning on a red eye flight straight from Denver and got a rental car in a blur to drive to Oxford, England.  We stopped at Cafe CoCo there to have our first [of many] basic English breakfast: grilled tomato, baked beans, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, and toast (opting out of the…

Sawtooth National Forest in Sun Valley

I couldn’t let it go unsaid how much I appreciated the area of Sun Valley.  The little towns of Ketchum, Sun Valley, Stanley, and Salmon make up a beautiful area.  I stumbled upon the well known Sawtooth Brewery and a symphony concert that evening at the colorful Sun Valley Inn and Lodge.  I could have…

Triple Bypass Weekend in the Mountains and Camping 

This weekend I signed up to volunteer for a big organized bike ride in the mountains called the Triple Bypass.  The challenging and popular ride gets its name from the three main mountain passes that are covered from Evergreen to Avon in a range of 120 miles.  We worked from 9am until 5pm serving the…

Exploring Wild Wyoming

Prepping for camping was tough but half the fun!  I just loved to start thinking about being out there days before our road trip began, cooking in our new cast iron pot and skillet out in Wyoming’s wilderness on our new camp stove.  I pre-made a Mexican casserole, Shish kabobs, homefries, and Browned Butter Strawberry…

Noshing in Nashville 

I know I wrote about some of my experiences eating in Nashville, but this one is a bit more elaborate and detailed about the food.  Honestly, I didn’t mean to write two, but I’m writing a wrong here and just going to leave both redundant posts:) The Patterson House is an exclusive gem located just…

Back in Big D

I had a blast with my good friends gathering for this happy hour reunion at Parliament.  It couldn’t have gone better than this and everyone showed up just to see me!  I sure missed these guys but not particularly the Dallas lifestyle. LauraAndyChristina By night… With the full work day, 4 hour drive, and partying since 5pm,…

Where the Red Fern Grows

Return to Natural Falls State Park Spotted Jewelweed-  This flower is also known as Touch-me-not because of its unusual method of seed dispersal.  When the seed pods become ripe, the slightest touch or swift breeze triggers a pop that sends the seeds up to four feet away. Unlike most wildflowers, Jewelweed is an annual, which means its only way…

A Mountain Wedding: Sweets & Spirits

Day two in Aspen wedding celebrations Specific location:  Hotel Jerome Garden Terrace The mini Lemon Tarts were amazing as well as the Apple Fritter Donut Holes. The open bar complete with coffee and accoutrements     Steve Tyrell–from Father of the Bride wedding–sang tonight for an extra special surprise from the father of THIS bride.     The…