Sawtooth National Forest in Sun Valley

I couldn’t let it go unsaid how much I appreciated the area of Sun Valley.  The little towns of Ketchum, Sun Valley, Stanley, and Salmon make up a beautiful area.  I stumbled upon the well known Sawtooth Brewery and a symphony concert that evening at the colorful Sun Valley Inn and Lodge.  I could have…

Hikes Around Evergreen

This beautiful view is found just a few miles up from my house on the way to Evergreen Mountain.  This is my new friend and hiking partner Katie (the wife of our realtor).I packed a thermos of hot tea to enjoy at the peak of our hike.  Here is where we stopped to take in…

Pfeiffer Beach: Home of the Purple Sand

Pfeiffer Beach at Pfeiffer State Park in Big Sur is a beautiful and unique sight.  The parking lot was full, so I took the free route parking on the highway opting for the 3 mile trek down the beach road.  Not far down the road, a friendly older couple from the east coast stopped to offer a…

Point Lobos

After breakfast in Carmel we headed to Point Lobos.  Point Lobos is a beautiful state park found in between Carmel and Big Sur. We trekked the entirety of it along the coastline witnessing many sea otters, sea lions, and seals sunning and napping on the rocks or rolling around playing in the water.

Where the Red Fern Grows

Return to Natural Falls State Park Spotted Jewelweed-  This flower is also known as Touch-me-not because of its unusual method of seed dispersal.  When the seed pods become ripe, the slightest touch or swift breeze triggers a pop that sends the seeds up to four feet away. Unlike most wildflowers, Jewelweed is an annual, which means its only way…

Rim Trail

This trail was a nice short hike up and just the right distance for a trail run, about 4 miles up and back down with no heavy foot traffic on a beautiful weekend.  It was attractively located just near the village, just a walk down hill from the hotel. About halfway up sits a perfect…

Durango Unchained

Almost there! Streets are all cleared in preparation for the legendary mountain biking race called Iron Horse Bicycle Classic. Baby Bicycle Classic: this was just moments before this toddler on the right crashed as he was attempting the turn and balled his little lungs out, haha…I mean poor little fella.           Dead on this end.  All the…

Our Hike to the Edge–Whitaker Point

Whitaker Point Hike Tuck Everlasting was here! The remote Erbie Campground Look what we accidentally sneaked up on as we were exploring our campground trails… I love my Govino shatterproof reusable and recyclable wine glasses and carafe.

Hiking around Crystal Lake

No Jason Voorhees here…just some beautiful mountains and crystal green shorelines  There must be a mysterious story behind this package.  I bet it fell out of a crashing plane and obviously never made it to its destination in Carson City coming all the way from WV, hmmmm… This is about the time we lost our trail back…